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Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2012 WordPress Theme Sales!

Black Friday & Cyber Monday WordPress Deals

It’s that crazy time of year again where there are deep discounts on Wordpress Themes.  I love all these sales because that means I don’t have to pay full price for themes.  I usually scoop up a couple myself.  I looked around on all the Wordpress Themes providers and found all these awesome Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals.  These are definitely too awesome to pass up.  Keep checking back because I’ll be updating this post as I find more.

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sales – Wordpress Themes

Aloha Themes: Buy One Theme, Get One Free. Use coupon code: BOGOTHANKS. Valid until Cyber Monday November 26, 2012.

BluChic40% off all themes and bundles. Use coupon code TH4NKYOU2012. The offer ends Cyber Monday November 26, 2012 at 11pm EST.

Cssigniter: Get a subscription for only $29 /year (normally $39). Use coupon codeBLACKFRIDAY. Valid until Black Friday November 23, 2012

Gabfire Themes50% discount on any theme. The offer runs until midnight Cyber Monday November 26, 2012 EST.

Flare Themes:  Black Friday SUPERSALE! Buy any of our themes for only $14. Coupon code: BLASTOFF.  Valid until Cyber Monday November 26, 2012.

Headway Themes33% discount on Headway Base and Headway Developer plans. Use coupon code hwblackfriday on the purchase page to save 33% on all Headway licenses (and upgrades). The discount is also available for every addon in Headway Extend. This sale ends November 27, 2012 12 AM CST.

iThemes: Get 35% off any iThemes product using coupon code ELF2012. This discount is available till December 31, 2012.

JoomlaShack – Save 30% off all purchases.  Use coupon code: thank30.  Coupon valid until Black Friday Nov 23, 2012 at midnight.

ManageWP30% life-time discount. Subscribe to a premium subscription and you’ll receive a 30% life-time discount for any ManageWP package or configuration.

MyThemeShop: Get 40% OFF on all their Wordpress Themes. Use coupon code ‘blackfriday‘.

Organized Themes: offering 40% off everything through Cyber Monday November 26, 2012 at midnight. No code required.

Press Coders: Save 30% off all themes. Use coupon code gobblegobble. Sale ends Cyber Monday Nov 26, 2012 at midnight (Pacific Time).

RichWP: Themes are almost 50% off and use use the discount code: richthanxgiving during checkout to get an additional 25% Off .  Sale ends Cyber Monday Nov 26, 2012 at midnight.

Solostream20% off all Solostream products. Use coupon code 5084BE. The promotion ends Cyber Monday November 26, 2012 11:59 PM EST.

Standard Theme: Best responsive Wordpress Themes for professional bloggers and publishers.  30% off all licenses with discount code BF2012. Ends Cyber Monday November  26, 2012 11:59 PM EST.

StudioPress25% off everything. No coupon code required but you will need to use the link from here. This deal ends Cyber Monday November 26, 2012 5:00pm PST.

Theme Furnace50% discount on any purchase. Use coupon code BLACKFRIDAY12. The deal ends November 27, 2012.

Themefuse: 50% discount on any purchase.  Use coupon code BlackFriday.   This deal ends Black Friday Nov 23, 2012.

Theme Junkie40% off all themes and memberships. Use coupon code BLACK. This special offer will expire Nov 27, 2012.

Theme Shift30% off all themes. Use the discount code TSBLACKFRIDAY30. Offer expires November 25, 2012.

Themify: Get 40% off on all WordPress themes including the Club memberships. Use the coupon code ‘ BLACKFRIDAY ‘. Available until Cyber Monday November 26, 2012.

Thirsty Affiliates30% off the affiliate link management plugin for WordPress. Use discount code PREMIUM30 for a 30% discount. Valid until Cyber Monday Nov 26, 2012 at midnight.

Tokokoo75% off all themes and plans. Use the coupon code BLACKFRIDAY when checking out.

WooThemes:  Have multiple deals available:  1) Buy any Wordpress Theme & get 4 bonus themes free  2) 20% off all WordPress Themes, plugins and Extensions.  3) Use coupon code “WOOMADNESS” to get additional 20% off at checkout.   4)  Spend over $200 and get additional 5% off.   The special offers are valid until the end of the month – midnight on 30 November 2012 (UTC time)

WP Engine$25 off your first 3 months of service. WP Engine is one of the best hosting options for WordPress websites. Use the code “blackcyber” when you sign up for WP Engine. Valid only from Thanksgiving through to Cyber Monday November 26, 2012.

WPZOOM33% off all themes and subscriptions. Use coupon code BLACK2012 to claim the deal. Offer is valid until Cyber Monday November 26, 2012.

Let me know if I missed any!



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