Best Blog Themes · Best Pinterest Themes · Best Responsive Themes · Best Tumblr Themes · Wordpress Themes

Create a Pinterest Clone with WordPress Theme Pinable

Pinable is a Pinterest Clone (or Wordpress theme which allows you to create websites for bloggers, personal blogs, online portfolios, video gallery, photo gallery, Magazine websites, creative portfolios and more.   The posts are stacked in a 4 column format and each post is compacted into a rectangle that fits the post contents.  … Continue reading Create a Pinterest Clone with WordPress Theme Pinable

Best Photography Themes · Best Responsive Themes · Best Tumblr Themes · Wordpress Themes

Clean & Responsive Photography WordPress Theme Pocillo

Pocillo is a clean & responsive Photography Wordpress Theme.  The homepage is a customizable template and you can easily add any Photography or portfolio work you’ve done to it.  There is a stunning hover over affect when you hover over images.  When the visitors click on the image they will go to the full page… Continue reading Clean & Responsive Photography WordPress Theme Pocillo

Best Blog Themes · Best Minimalistic Themes · Best Responsive Themes · Best Tumblr Themes · Wordpress Themes

Create a Tumblr Clone with WordPress Tumblr Theme – BlogBeast

BlogBeast is a Wordpress Tumblr Theme with a minimal design to create a Tumblr-Like clone.  The reason I say it’s a Tumblr-like clone is because you can post multiple different posts including a gallery post, audio post, quote post, normal text post, video post, an aside post, chat post, link post and more.  Each different… Continue reading Create a Tumblr Clone with WordPress Tumblr Theme – BlogBeast

Best Blog Themes · Best Minimalistic Themes · Best Responsive Themes · Best Tumblr Themes · Wordpress Themes

Create a Tumblr Clone with WordPress Tumblr Theme – Hipster

Hipster is a Tumblr Clone Wordpress Theme.  You can create different type of posts with Hipster which makes it a great microblogging theme. Hipster has a minimal and flat design and your posts are the main focus of the website.  When you use Hipster to create a Tumblr Clone you can create posts for videos,… Continue reading Create a Tumblr Clone with WordPress Tumblr Theme – Hipster

Best BuddyPress Themes · Best Minimalistic Themes · Best Responsive Themes · Best Tumblr Themes · Wordpress Themes

Clean and Minimal Tumblr Clone WordPress Theme – Bordeaux

Bordeaux is a clean and unique Tumblr Clone Wordpress Theme by Colorlabs.  It’s great quality is in it’s minimalistic design and laid back feel.  The 2 column layout is contained in a fluid design which adjusts with the viewing screen.  You can easily use Bordeaux Wordpress theme to create your own Tumblr Clone with it’s… Continue reading Clean and Minimal Tumblr Clone WordPress Theme – Bordeaux