Magazine Template – Glamour by MyThemeShop
Startup cost to create a gossip Magazine like PerezHilton with Wordpress and Wordpress Theme – Glamour will be $100. I’ve listed the cost breakdown below. I recommend WordPress because WordPress is the best way to create a Magazine website. Glamour is a Wordpress Theme has a fully responsive design, multiple column homepage display, tons of short codes, unlimited Google Fonts, lightbox display and more. Click here to see more features of Glamour.
Responsive Gossip Magazine Template – Glamour
Features of Magazine Template – Glamour
Click here to see more features of Glamour Click here to demo Glamour Click here to download Glamour
Startup Cost to Create Website Like PerezHilton
1. $56 for Webhosting. First step to create your own PerezHilton Gossip website is to purchase a domain name. But these days you can purchase the domain name and web hosting together to save costs. If you purchase web hosting from, you get a free domain name, unlimited emails, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited MySQL databases and more. Right now Fatcow has a 40% off sale, I would take advantage of this now. Click here for more details about
2. $0 for Wordpress. WordPress is an open source and totally free. Fatcow has one click installs for WordPress installations.
3. $35 for Wordpress Theme. This is a one time fee to purchase Glamour from MyThemeShop. Once you purchase the theme, the theme totally belongs to you. There are no membership fees, no hidden fees and no subscription fees.
4. -$175 in Advertising Credits. Fatcow understands it’s difficult to get your PerezHilton Gossip Website visible and helps you with advertising your website on respective search engines and social networking platforms. So Fatcow gives you for free $100 in Google Adwords credits, $50 in Facebook Ad credits and $25 in Yahoo/Bing Adcenter credits.
In Total to make your PerezHilton Gossip Website will be:
- Total cost = Webhosting + WordPress + Wordpress Theme = $91
But if you include the free advertising credits you get from, your initial startup cost will be:
- Startup cost = Total Cost + Advertising Credits = -$84
Basically you don’t pay any startup costs to create your own PerezHilton Gossip Website.
This is a great WordPress Theme to create a Gossip Magazine. The multiple column homepage layout looks exactly like a Magazine Website. There are tons of widgets to display recent posts, popular posts, scrolling featured post images, ad monetized, blog, social networking integrated, email subscription button and more. There is a great Magazine Template WordPress theme. You should check out the demo and play with it. You will love the magazine layout as well.
Click here for the recommended Fatcow Webhosting
Click here to see more features of Glamour
Click here to demo Glamour
Click here to download Glamour