Classipress is a Classified Ads Wordpress Theme designed to help you create a website like Craigslist, Kijiji or OLX. This is the most popular Classified Ads theme which is feature rich, built for ease and designed to the last detail focusing on overall user experience. Classipress 3.3.1 has tons of New Features and is up to date on the latest website designs. As an administrator you can easily create membership packs, different pricing models, allow users to login with Facebook, provide a powerful auto-complete search bar, allows users to submit their own Classified Ads and ability for members to manage their own classified ads. Members who manage their own classified ads can delete, edit, create new, mark as sold, set the price, display location on Google maps, see the number of views, pause an ad, set an expiration date for the ad and more. You don’t need any programming knowledge to create your own powerful Classified ads website. ClassiPress has an advanced control panel where you can customize every aspect of your classified ads website. Click here for more features of ClassiPress Classified Ads Template.
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ClassiPress Classified Ads Template
ClassiPress 3.3.1 is a fully responsive theme. You can test the responsive feature by playing with the demo and resizing the window smaller and larger. The content, slider, and images will auto resize to fit the width of the window. Responsive design is great for your visitors who view your classified ads website with their smartphone or tablet device. They can see the content of your ads website without having to squint, zoom and constantly scroll left and right. Other features of ClassiPress include featured ad slider, post ad button, banner ad locations, multiple categories, fully customizable homepage, users able to manage their own ads and more. Below are more features of ClassiPress Craigslist Clone.
- Scrolling featured ad
- Tab to display just listed ads, random ads, most popular ads
- Advanced categories
- Banner ad management to monetize your classified ads site
- Google Maps Integrated
- Fully Customizable Front Page
- Multiple Pricing Models
- Custom Fields & Forms
- Auto-Complete & Suggest Search
- Membership Packs
- Social Networks Login
- Advanced Search
- Facebook Friends Widget
- Coupon Module
- Customer Ad Management
- Members can manage their own ads by editing, creating new, delete, pause ads, set an expiration date for ads
- Twitter Real-Time Widget
- Ad Listing Visitor Stats
- AppThemes API
- Responsive Design
- Compatible with WPML
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I have a wordpress plugin for the albanian language. Will this work for your product, Create a Classified Ads Website with WordPress Theme – ClassiPress 3.3.1. I am trying to create a Kijiji type product. Tjanks.