After you install Joomla 1.6, the default active template is Beez 20 which is in your Joomla template directory. The Beez20 template is clean and easy to navigate so I wanted to play around with the look of it. First few things I noticed on the template and wanted to remove or change was:
1. Remove the options at the top of the screen for font size – Bigger, Reset, Smaller.
2. Remove/Change the blue Joomla banner across the front page that says “We are Volunteers”.
I know you might have the same issues as I, so here are some simple instructions on how to do the above.
1. Remove the options at the top of the screen for font size – Bigger, Reset, Smaller.
a. Go to the template directory in your Joomla installation, edit the file ‘templates/Beez_20/index.php‘.
Remove the following lines:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”<?php echo $this->baseurl ?>/templates/Beez_20/javascript/md_stylechanger.js”></script>
var fontSizeTitle='<?php echo JText::_(‘TPL_BEEZ2_FONTSIZE’); ?>’;
var bigger='<?php echo JText::_(‘TPL_BEEZ2_BIGGER’); ?>’;
var reset='<?php echo JText::_(‘TPL_BEEZ2_RESET’); ?>’;
var smaller='<?php echo JText::_(‘TPL_BEEZ2_SMALLER’); ?>’;
var biggerTitle='<?php echo JText::_(‘TPL_BEEZ2_INCREASE_SIZE’); ?>’;
var resetTitle='<?php echo JText::_(‘TPL_BEEZ2_REVERT_STYLES_TO_DEFAULT’); ?>’;
var smallerTitle='<?php echo JText::_(‘TPL_BEEZ2_DECREASE_SIZE’); ?>’;
Change this line from:
<div id=”fontsize”></div>
<div id=”fontsize” style=”display:none”></div>
b. Refresh your website.
2. Remove/Change the Joomla banner across the front page that says “We are Volunteers”.
a. If you created a banner, save it as ‘personal2.png
b. Upload the file to your template images directory – “../templates/beez_20/images/personal/personal2.png“‘
c. If you just want to change the name of the banner in your template code, it’s in your ‘personal.css’ file in your template directory. Change the directory & filename on line 94:
.logoheader {
background: url(“../images/personal/personal2.png“) no-repeat scroll right bottom #0C1A3E;
color: #FFFFFF;
margin: 0 10px 0 !important;
min-height: 200px;
d. Make sure the banner you created and saved as ‘personal2.png’ has the dimensions – 1060x288px and 96×96
3. To Remove the white space at top of the Beez20 Template:
a. Go to the template directory in your Joomla installation, edit the file ‘templates/beez_20/css/personal.css’
b. Change this line from:
#all #header
#all #header
c. Save and refresh your Joomla 1.6 website.
Keep in mind these are changes for the Beez20 Joomla template. If you need to make similar changes on other templates, the code might be on different lines and files. Only make changes after you make a backup of the files and know what you are doing.
What does line 92 look like in “personal.css”
Hi Treg,
Actually I just looked at the code again and you don’t need to touch the personal.css file. By following the above to remove the code from the index.php you will be able to remove the different font sizes available on the template.
in regards to the Remove the options at the top of the screen for font
size – Bigger, Reset, Smaller. Can you revise your instructions to do this in Beez_20 Joomla 1.7?
I followed the steps you laid out starting with Remove the following lines:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”baseurl ?>/templates/beez_20/javascript/md_stylechanger.js”>
the only line that I could find resembling this one is:
<script type="text/javascript" src="baseurl ?>/templates/beez_20/javascript/hide.js”>
I deleted this then went on to delete the following:
var fontSizeTitle=’’;
var bigger=’’;
var reset=’’;
var smaller=’’;
var biggerTitle=’’;
var resetTitle=’’;
var smallerTitle=’’;
I then changed this line from:
saved and refreshed my site, and the results were that the resizers are gone but replaced by undefined undefined undefined undefined
Any ideas? I’d also like to remove the search box adjacent to the resizers?
I appreciate your time. Thanks,
The same problem here. When I removed this ” ” it was settled. Good Luck.
this line must be removed.
div id=”fontsize”></div the whole line must be removed.
Where is exactly can I find index.php file ? I really need help on this………
Hi Tiota,
You can find the index.php in your Beez_20 template directory.
Hope that helps,
I have the problem that I cannot cancel the Joomla Icon and Text in the header !!!!!!
My personal header is fine but it is overridden by the Joomla Logo
Can somebody help me
Hello again
Itried to anylise the Sourcecode produced for the website which is open the time being, to show you the effect.
First a full black header is produce – 2nd my own header ist an overlay and shown on top and
last a jommla_black[1].gif is loaded on top of my own logo and last but not least the words “open content…..” is added as normal text.
So far so good – BUT i cannot find a possibility to stop the presentation of the joomla_black.gif or the text , I not even find the joomla_black.gif file within the template folders !!!!
Hi. I have a question. How do I change the header in the template jm-rainbow. I’m having trouble changing the header.I really need help on this. tnx.
Hi Theo,
I created a post for you to help you change your header in your template JM-Rainbow. Check it out here. I assumed that you are using the Joomla 1.6 free template. I hope this helps.
First step solved
I found the graph with the Joomla Logo Joomla_black[1].gif, it can be found NOT within the template imagesfolder, but within the images-folder of joomla 1.6, now I could cancel the joomla image overwriting my header-logo !!! Hurray
still left is the text “”Open Source Content……..”” this is NOT a graph but a text mightbe produced by a javascript BUT where to find ???
Again You’ll find the new effect AND I still need help.
Hi Roland,
Sorry for the late reply. You might have made changes to your template advanced options. See if you have the Site title, site description filled out:
Go to your template manager.
Click on Beez 20 link, under the advanced options on the right side
There are 2 options – Site title and site description.
Hope that helps,
I’m finding this post very useful Elaine, but I also have the problem of ‘Joomla! Open Source Content Management’ overwriting my (own) Personal2 image, and I cannot find the ‘advanced options’ in my Joomla 2.5 template manager.
Am I looking in the wrong place, I wonder?
thanks !
It helps me 🙂
Hi Natan,
Thanks for visiting and glad that the post helped you.
All the best,
hi !
success at the step 1 (Remove the options at the top of the screen for font size).
now I need to remove the big white space (where those options were located).
what should I edit in the code ?
thanks in advance !
Still can’t get rid of “We are volunteers”. I edited the personal2.png and removed the volunteer statement, copied it back to the website and yet the phrase still appears, even though it is not in the pers2.png. Any ideas?
Hi Wayne,
Check if you made changes to your template advanced options. See if you have the Site title, site description filled out:
Go to your template manager.
Click on Beez 20 link, under the advanced options on the right side
There are 2 options – Site title and site description.
Hope that helps,
Solved that. Thanks Elaine.
Now I am struggling with the formatting of this section. I have place the title in the personal2.png – centered vertically. Somehow it is moved to the top on the site even though that is no the way it appears in the png. How can I get it to move further down in the blue area? I cannot get it to move down when I leave the website title box empty.
For the tenth time the We arevoluntweers’ is back after upgrading. I have edited the personal .css with no change. Why is my personal 2.png continually overwritten with this. It is my image, with the phrase inserted on the top right. How do I get rid of it in Joomla 2.5.4. This is getting quite irritating.
Good thing I keep a copy of my website off line. I had to upload my personal2.png yet again. It is annoying to have things changed in updates and upgrades. I wish they would leave my files and setting alone. Just improve the software.
Hello Enzolina!
Firstable, thank you for this article, it helped me a lot.
I have removed the options at the top of the screen for font size Bigger, Reset, Smaller, but now the problem is that i don’t know how to remove the empty space left at the top of the website. There is now a useless empty space i d like to remove.
Sorry for my english
Hi Sacha,
I’ve updated the post.
Let me know if that works for you. Thanks for your visit.
Please update the empty space elain. I was almost there and then the code is missing from your post…
Hi Joomlooma,
I updated the post to remove the empty space in the Beez20 template. Hope that helps.
Thanks for your visit,
Thank you!
I have 3 days experience with Joomla 1.6…
I am developing on my localhost.
I have changed your code as specified, but issues remain.
By removing the “larger, reset, smaller” code, the test has simply changed to “undefined” for each.
I then removed the the whole block of text, and the three still remain on the page, including the divider lines between the text.
Here is what I have removed both lines on top and all 7 lines on the bottom:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”baseurl ?>/templates/Beez_20/javascript/md_stylechanger.js”>
var fontSizeTitle=’’;
var bigger=’’;
var reset=’’;
var smaller=’’;
var biggerTitle=’’;
var resetTitle=’’;
var smallerTitle=’’;
Here is what I have changed, per instructions:
Change this line from:
I am using Joomla 1.6.
Any help would be appreciated…Thank you in advance.
I can remove the white space put the top menu is now floating in the middle of the header logo. The top menu didn’t move up with the header image.
Any thoughts?
I am having exactly the same problem. Can anyone help with this please?
Me too. I followed all the instructions and got a lot of white space at the top of the site.
Find the following in personal.css file:
#all #header
{padding-top:8.0em ;
Change 8 to 3 to move header logo higher.
Then find this:
/* top:62px; */
and change 6 to 0 to move the top menu to the highest position.
Worked for me.
Elaine: if this is a good solution (I’m no expert), it might help the others. See if it’s a good idea to update the post with this. In any case, thank you for absolutely great collection of advice on Joomla tweaking!
Hi Oleg, I did try your way too but it appeared that the search box was gone. Any suggestion?
Hello, I have followed all of the steps for removing white space, deleting font size–bigger, reset, smaller, and removing Joomla logo from Beez20.
I customized the personal2.png banner and moved the scrolls at the bottom to the top, plus added my own banner across the front page that says “Imagine–Create.” I loaded this to my website with File Manager and it said it overwrote the personal2.png banner, which it appears that it did. Except, the wavy section is still at the bottom of the personal2.png banner, the text is higher that it appears in my graphics program, and the logo “Imagine–Create” is chopped off, so that all that shows is Create.
Is there something else I need to change to fix this? Thanks.
Hi Willow,
I was looking at the Personal2.png file and comparing it with yours and if notice their “We are Volunteers” is near the bottom of the ribbon area. Closer to the edge. The wavy part is still in your image. You need to use photoshop or some image editing software to replace that part of your image.
Hope that helps,
I removed the blank space, which contained the fontsize links, by changing:
{ top:5em;
How do you find the personal2.png? I figured it would be under the media manager, but no such luck.
I’ve created a new banner, but now I’m not sure where to put it.
Hi Kyle,
You are right, my post is a little confusing. Use your FTP manager and place your banner here:
I will update my post. thanks for your visit,
Hi Elaine,
Thanks for the great guide, it helped me alot!
I was wondering if you might possibly know how to make the “logo” clicakable back to the homepage on the beez 20 template? I was wondering if you maybe had an idea??
Hi Sean,
I’m creating a post for you and should be up by end of the day.
Thanks for your visit!
Hi Sean,
I created a post for you. You can find the post here – How to Make Beez20 logo clickable.
Try it out and let me know how it goes.
i’d like to remove the we are volunteers on my header.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Jocelyn,
The “We are volunteers” on your header is part of the banner in your templates folder. The file name is:
You can either delete/rename the file and the banner will be gone.
Thanks for your visit,
Hi elaine:
thanks for your info. rer: JOOMLA! 1.6
I tried to use media manager to upload one of my images…
but it does not work…and I believe that my images must be on my host’s server
instead on my PC…this is a flaw of 1.6 as I could easily upload images in JOOMLA! 1.5
another problem(?)…I cannot create a new folder when I click on CREATE FOLDER…
and I cannot change located in the box above CREATE FOLDER button…
what can I do?
Hi Ray,
What error message are you getting when you try to create a folder? Have you tried to upload your image into the /images directory? If you did the link should be
Also I’m creating a post for you on how to create a folder in Joomla 1.6 using the Media manager, hope that will help you. Click here to view the post.
Thanks for your visit,
Thanks for above three tips. But doing so My top menu bar is now in the middle of the banner. Can you give some tips to adjust the menubar position? Is it true that the relative position of banner and menubar is independent of screen size? Thanks in advance
Hi Elaine,
I would like to do three things in my website,
* Remove the text open source content management in the top banner part of my website.
* Remove the text Powered by joomla in the bottom of the webpage.
* Change the icon logo that appears on the webpage at the address bar.
Waiting for your reply.. Thanks in advance 🙂
Hi G,
I will try to get your posts created by end of the week.
thanks for your visit,
Hi G,
I’ve created a post for all 3 of your requests.
Remove the text open source content management in the top banner part of my website. – click here to read my post.
Remove the text Powered by joomla in the bottom of the webpage. – click here to read my post.
Change the icon logo that appears on the webpage at the address bar. – click here to read my post.
Merci pour les infos, c’est bien pratique lorsque l’on est un peu perdu dans les templates et leurs programmations.
j’ai du mal à repérer les positions dans le template, la commande ?tp=1 ne fonctionne pas avec mon nouveau site..? y a t’il un moyen d’avoir des infos autrement..?
un grand merci pour toute cette aide.
Hi Christian,
I don’t understand french, BUT i used google translate to understand what you wrote. Have you activated the settings ‘ preview module positions’ in your template? Click here to read the post.
Hope that helps and thanks for your visit!
Below is the google translate english to french….sorry if it’s a bad
Salut Christian,
Je ne comprends pas le français, mais j’ai utilisé Google Translate pour comprendre ce que vous avez écrit. Avez-vous activé les positions module de prévisualisation “les paramètres de votre modèle? Cliquez ici pour lire le message.
Hope qui aide et merci pour votre visite!
hi there i am trying to locate the “address” of the /joomla_black.gif little logo in order to change the name in the css to a different name (something related to the site name. please advice if yo can.
Much appreciated,
Hi Mike,
I have the answer for you and will write up a post for you by end of the week. Will let you know when it is done.
Thanks for your visit,
You helped me a lot, thank you very much. I learned:
– How to remove the Joomla Logo
– Change the banner
– Remove the Open source text
– Remove ’empty space’ at the top of the page
again, thank you. Everything worked perfectly and smooth ( althoug it’s my first time with joomla or any website )
Hi Wouter,
I’m glad my posts helped you. Joomla will get easier after you get the hang of it.
Thanks for your visit,
Hi Elaine,
Faveicon and “Powered by …” removed. Thanks and great.
Can you please help me in removing the “You are here: Home/..” just below the header on the left side? Maybe you have already a post then I would ask if you can guide me there. Thank you!
Keep reading you 🙂
Hi PoS,
No problem! the “You are here: Home/” is the breadcrumb module. You can find the post that I created to remove this here.
Hi Elaine, that didn’t work for me. I left a question on the page itself. Hope to have your advice.
Thanks for the article, Elaine – very helpful.
A suggestion for anyone who is interested in changing .CSS file – try out the ‘Firebug’ add-on for the Firefox browser – it is brilliant!
Once you have ‘Firebug’ installed, browse to your Joomla page, click the ‘bug’ icon, click the CSS tab on the pane that appears over the bottom half of your screen and click the button with the tip ‘Click an element in the page ..’ – then you can click anywhere on the Joomla page, and Firebug shows in a pane on the right the css code (and the .css file) that is responsible for the style.
Hi Tybion,
Thanks for the great tip. That is very helpful to everyone. I think I will add your comment as a post.
Thanks again for your visit,
Hey Elaine!
Thanks so much for your post!
I have created my own header and saved it as the personal2.png file but it still won’t show up on my itnernet site!
I’ve created a multilingual site using copies of the beez20 template for every language, maybe its because of that?
In the personal folder, I see my image with the name personal2.png but it’s just not showing online
Thanks so much for the help!
This post has been really interesting and useful for me. Thank you! 🙂
Hi Francis,
No problem.
Thanks for your visit,
I now have deleted the Breadcrumb entry in the HTML. That solved the problem. Actually I would have preferred to just convert it to a Comment but didn’t know how to do that. Elaine, is it marking “/**” or “#” or what?
hello and many thanks for your useful blog. Can you tell me where (index.php?) I can insert some text at the right of the logo in the header (Name, address, phone number and so on) and format it (personale.css?). The Template advanced options (site name and description) are not enough…
Can you tell me how to change the header background color from blue to another one, and to reduce the height and the margin of the div?
Thanks a lot. Fabio
.logoheader {
background: url(“../images/personal2.png”) no-repeat scroll right bottom #000000;
color: #FFFFFF;
margin: 0px;
min-height: 200px;
end of the “no-repeat …. bottom line”#000000 gonna make your blue header to black, you can check out the hex codes at google if you gonna use a different color.
Hello, I would also like to thank you for this blog. I was wondering if it was possible to move the user log in to the very top (where the fontsize-bigger/reset/smaller is located). If so, help would be appreciated.
Hello Elaine, thank for your post, it´s excellent!
I want to know how to put a banner “.swf” , in change of “personal2.png”
Thank’s a lot. MGM
Hello, excelent post Elaine..
I need your help.. I use a template Beez 20, and i want to use all the space available for my website.
I want to change the margins of the sides .. i don’t Know how to do it and hopefully you can help.
Could not find <script type=”text/javascript” src=”baseurl ?>/templates/beez_20/javascript/md_stylechanger.js”>
found this line instead:
<script type="text/javascript" src="baseurl ?>/templates/beez_20/javascript/hide.js”>
which I left intact..
Deleted other lines as suggested and now
font size – Bigger, Reset, Smaller is gone.
What am I missing here.
Thank you a lot.. Very helpFul
i created with your help 🙂
Hi Marko,
Great website. I’m impressed!!
Thanks for your visit,
I am new to Joomla but gradually getting d hang of it. How i do change the header in the Fruit shop template which is the template i am using.
I want to be able to change the three bottom images that read, ‘Support Joomla’, which is found in three separate modules. I want all three images to be different and of my liking. By the way I am using beez_20. Where do I go for this?
I am able to change the text but what about the images?
Hi Carlo,
I will write up a post to help you. It is pretty easy. Should be up in a few days.
Thanks for your visit,
Hi Carlo,
I’ve created a post to help you change the image. Are you using a static image or did you want to use rotating banners? I’ve posted an article about how to change the image to a static image. The post is here. You also don’t need to use images in all 3 module positions. You can put anything you want in there.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for your visit,
I am so happy to see your effor you put into answering my question is incredible!
I am new to this site and believe me, I will stay here as a member for as long as you are around.
Once again, Thank You!
Hi Carlo,
Thanks for your nice comments! I appreciate it! 🙂 I hope it works for you, let me know if you have any problems.
Thanks Elaine! Same trouble as Carlo here for me as well.
Hi Jer,
I’ve created a post to help you change the image. Are you using a static image or did you want to use rotating banners? I’ve posted an article about how to change the image to a static image. The post is here.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for your visit,
Hi Elaine.
I am back with a new question.
I want to be able to protect my text and images from being selecting and copied to.
I know that there are many ways to get around this but for the usual typical Joe, I want to know that
he won’t be able to easily do a select text or a select image and copy the information.
Can you tell me if this is possible?
Hi Carlo,
There are scripts if you search for it in google to restrict right click and saving the images. You can also embed watermarks into your images to protect them. I dont think there is a “Joomla” way to protect images. If you find one let me know.
Thanks Elaine, I will look into it.
If I find something, I will let you know.
Hi Elaine, I have one more question that I am not sure how to accomplish it.
Question: Home image in Beez 20 Template seems to be in every click on my website.
Can I have this image change everytime I click on any of the Top Menus? If so, how?
Hi Carlo,
I don’t quite understand what you are asking. Are you referring to the site logo? If so, I don’t think that can be changed everytime you change a menu. You could possibly look into doing some coding for it to detect which menu it’s on.
Not the site logo but the image behind it. The image that fills the entire website on top.
Not sure what to call it. The Home image.
Hi Carlo,
Are you referring to the blue banner? It used to have a stripe that said “We are volunteers”. You can take a look at this post here to see if it helps you.
Thanks a lot, Elaine. That’s really useful. It worked exactly as you told. Please keep up your good work.
Hi Poy,
Thanks for your comments! Glad i could help.
Thanks for your visit,
Please let me know how to change and insert image all menu item backgrounds? I try to insert image in body (personal.css) file, it makes changes background but menu item background still white color.
Please let me know.
Joomla 1.6.5 (two plugin errors)
I used jsmallfib file browser plugin extension for my site and it really quite nice and needed for my site.
By using this, i can create folder and upload files to folder directly from frontend.
but when i enable language filter plugin to use language switch in frontend, that jsmallfib totally cannot be used.
Actually, my site really need to use that two.
Pls share your idea. and i try media manager but that cannot be used from frontend.
Is there any folder create and file upload extension?
Joomla 1.6.5 (two plugin errors)
I used jsmallfib file browser plugin extension for my site ,
downloaded from :
it really quite nice and needed for my site.
By using this, i can create folder and upload files to folder directly from frontend.
but when i enable language filter plugin to use language switch in frontend, that jsmallfib totally cannot be used.
Actually, my site really need to use that two.
Pls share your idea. and i try media manager but that cannot be used from frontend.
Is there any folder create and file upload extension?
i will be really glad if you can help me.
How do i change the address bar to the website name without it creating a menu item with d name?
Secondly, how do i remove This site and still retain the “Home” menu item.
lastly, if i want to upload my website using Fillezilla, what file or folder should i upload? is it the index file in the administrator folder of the Joomla folder?
Pls help as i am a total newbie. Thanks.
to remove “this site”- go to the module manager and look for the module called “this site”, then select hide title.
Hi Elaine,
I have removed my logoheader and the blue box behind it. I would now like to get rid of the header space altogether. I have been through the css and cannot figure out how to do this. A friend suggested that I add ‘.logoheader { display: none; }’ to the css, but it does not solve my problem. Can you help out?
I would like to know how can I modify the dimmensions of beez_20 joomla 1.7 default banner.
Thank you very.
It has worked very fine.
Hi Iketut,
No problem, thanks for your visit,
I looked and looked at the first two lines of code aren’t anywer in the index.php file to remove the Bigger, Reset, Smaller text at the top right. Can you please update for Joomla 1.7 Beez 20 template?
Hi Scottie,
Ok, I will look into it.
Thanks for your visit,
Left a message regarding moving header – have not heard anything – any chance that this will be soon
Hi Apandit,
I’ve created a post for you and it’s here. Sorry about the delay. Thanks for your patience.
Thanks for your visit,
Elaine, thanks a lot for your awesome post. helped me a lot.
I was wondering if its possible to put a search option/button in the right side of my header menu. and how to create space between items in header menu.
Best regards,
Hi, wow very good job by anwsering alll this questions. almost read all of it. sorry for my spelling my english is not that good.
So, here is my question: can you help me on how to make the website to scroll when some one minimize there windows instead of rizesing the content to fit in to the window. I really hope you can help me thank you so much.
Hi, I have tried and tried to find the template images directory in Joomla 1.7. I looked in the Templates Manager area. I looked in the Media Manager area. I searched in the documentation. I want to replace the site banner (blue with We Are Volunteers) by replacing the personal2.png file with my own version. But I can’t find the original in order to replace it. So I tried a different tactic. I tried to change my personal.css file to point to the file in my own image directory in my Media Manager, but I obviously am not doing that right because no site banner showed at all. I think I do not have the full directory name right. Where is the template images directory? Thank you.
This post help me a lot. Thanks. Carlos.
Hi Carlos,
No problem, glad the post helped you!
Thanks for your visit,
Simply wish to say your article is as amazing. The clarity to your submit is simply cool and i can suppose you are an expert on this subject. Well along with your permission allow me to grab your RSS feed to stay updated with forthcoming post. Thank you a million and please carry on the rewarding work.
Hi Elaine,
Your post is really useful! I learned allot.
I just wondering if you have an answer regarding question posted by MGM: “I want to know how to put a banner “.swf” , in change of “personal2.png””?
I have same issue: trying to replace personal2.png image with customized flash content (.swf)
Thank you in advance.
Hi Elaine:
How do I get the site title to spread across the entire page rather than being wrapped on the left side?
Hi Wayne,
I visited your site and don’t understand what you mean? You want the 3 letters to span across the whole page? You might want to try to right justify your text or easier, just add spaces to your title? lol have you tried that?
Thanks for your visit,
Thanks for your rply Elaine. If I make the title longer, instad of going across the page, after 2 words it goses to the next line .
I end up with 3 or 4 lines of text all on the left side instead of going across the page as it does in this post.
It looks like this;
RJQ / The
……… ……
instead of this;
RJQ / The ……… …… ……………… Blah.
Hi Elaine
Thank you for you this very interesting site. I found many useful tips
So there is a small problem I encounter with the Beez 20 template :
Il like the way articles’ titles are normaly highlighted and underlined with 2 thin grey lines. But In my layout the first article of any page as no lines
Do you have any idea of what to do to recover this ?
many thanks
I don’t have the “We Are Volunteers” banner which is fine. However, I want to add a custom banner at the top of the page and don’t know where to do that. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Elaine, firstly thanks for soo much useful info! I’ve figured out a lot here!
Two questions you may be able to help me with?
At the top of my site i’ve just got a plain header.jpg. I’ve included no logo or site description which you add in template settings as i’ve included my logo in the actual header design. I want to make it clickable so it goes to the home page? I’ve found you tut on making the logo clickable to the home page but i’ve not got a logo added to work with, just a header.jpeg? Please advise.
Secondly, how can i change this header to play an animated .swf?
Muchly appreciated!
Hi Elaine,
You write VERY helpful stuff!
Can you please, please add one more answer to your writing? Namely how to place the horizontal menu in Beez20 below the header image.
There are a lot of people asking this in forums and some even refer to your pages but I’ve yet to find a solid good answer. One that changes the code of Beez so it still works without quirks.
So very simple: How can the horizontal menu in Beez20 go below the header image and push the breadcrumbs and the rest of the page down.
Thank you very much,
Peter B from The Netherlands
Hi Peter!
I had the same problem, and because I’m new in the code world, I proceeded by trial and error.
Luckily, I found a solution that worked good for me (I’m using FlexHeader, so maybe some div position are different).
I just changed
/* ++++++++++++++ lists, skiplinks ++++++++++++++ */
/* top:62px; */
top:0em; <=THIS VALUE
(line 146, I believe)
It pushes down the top menu with desired value.
It's a bit tricky if you use em, try different values, maybe pixels are the same, not shure..
Again, worked for me, but I don't know about breadcrumbs and others features.
Also your post is a bit old, maybe you've already figured it out.
Let us know!
Mark from Italy
Hé Mark,
Thanks… I found this solution too I believe (I already changed so much that it’s hard to know what I did). I believe however that this method pushes the menu down but still in front of the header image.
Ideal would off course be to have the menu really below the header image.
Am going to check out that flexheader for sure…
Hmm I was hoping to be able to post replys here without code disappearing, silly assumption. Please ignore my last post.
I am not the most experienced with this but I was able to remove the font modifier in – Joomla! 2.5.6
I removed lines 96-102 which left the closing script line as the new line 96
No other changes were required on this section for this release.
I did also change line 129 (was line 136 originally before removing the above) to add the displaynone.
This worked beautifully 🙂
Hi Elain,
I am using Joomla2.5 and beez 20 as template. I found that the menu items in top menu squeezed to the left size and leave lot of space on the top menu.
How can I change the width of menu items and make them distribute evenly and occupy the whole top menu?
Thank and Regards,
Hi Elaine,
I would like to make some posts to ask some question about Joomla template. But I cannot do that because I cannot find the “new post” button or link to make some post.
Would you please let me know how to make new post on your page? Or I miss the button or link on the page?