Joomla 1.7 Tutorial – Article Anchors are created for articles that are really long. You want to divide up your article into chapters and make each chapter linkable from a navigational bar along the top of your article, or you can even make the Article Anchor links accessible through Menu Links.
If you want to learn how to create article links in articles, click here for my post.
Link a Menu Item to an Article Anchor Overview
- Already have an article with Article anchors – if not yet, click here to learn how to create your article anchors.
- Capture the Article Anchor Link
- Create a menu item in Menu Manager
- Create an External Link in Menu Manager
For Example: I will use
- My article “About”
- Create a new Menu Item under the “Main Menu”
- Create a Menu Item named “ Anchor Link Chapter 1”
- Use the Menu Item to link to “Chapter 1: About” in the article
- The Article Anchor name is “Chapter1”
- The text link in my article that links to the anchor link is “Chapter 1”
1. Copy the Article Anchor Link
- Access the article from the Joomla 1.7 Frontend – “About”
- Right click on the Anchor Link – Chapter 1, click on Copy Link/Copy URL
- The article link will be below. Note the hash or number sign symbol divides the article alias from the anchor name.
/article category/article alias#article anchor name
- Paste it into any text editor, the link should look similar to:
2. Create an External Link Menu item in Menu Manager
- Login to Joomla 1.7 Administrator backend
- Click on Menus, Main Menu, Add New Menu Item
- In Details, enter the following values:
- Menu Item Type = External URL
- Menu Title = Anchor Link Chapter 1
- Link = /article-category-list/68-about-cmsmind#Chapter1 <Paste link from Step 1>
- Click on ‘Save & Close’
That’s it. Refresh your Joomla 1.7 frontend and you should see the new menu item in your Main Menu created from Step 2. Click on that link and it will bring you to the Article Anchor you created.
All the thinks are wrong sorry.
Hi Narayan,
What do you mean?
Thanks for your visit,