Joomla Components · Joomla Setup

Joomla 1.6 – Where is the Trash??

And you thought you needed help.  I spent 20 minutes playing around with deleting articles and categories.  I spent another 30 minutes trying to find where Joomla 1.6 placed my Trashed items.   If you are looking for your Trash items, here is how to find them:

1.  Login to your Joomla 1.6 administrator backend.

2.  Go to Content, Article Manager, select the Articles or Categories tab

3.  Click on the filter drop down that says “Select State”.

4.  Select “Trash”

Yes.  Can you believe it was that simple.  So now if you want to purge your deleted items from your Joomla site:

5.  Use the checkbox on the side to select the items you want to purge out of your Trash.

6.  Click on the ‘Emtpy Trash’ icon.

There it will be gone completely from your Joomla 1.6 site.  On the other hand, if you don’t want to purge and want to restore the deleted item from Trash back to where it was before:

7.  Use the checkbox on the side to select the items you want to restore.

6.  Click on the ‘Publish’ icon.

Your articles will move out of the Trash state and back into Published.  You will find your articles back in the same categories as they were before.   Remember to change the dropdown state back to ‘Select State’ to see them.

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