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Create a Pinterest Clone with WordPress Theme Pinable

Pinable is a Pinterest Clone (or Wordpress theme which allows you to create websites for bloggers, personal blogs, online portfolios, video gallery, photo gallery, Magazine websites, creative portfolios and more.   The posts are stacked in a 4 column format and each post is compacted into a rectangle that fits the post contents.  … Continue reading Create a Pinterest Clone with WordPress Theme Pinable

Best Ecommerce Themes · Best Infinite Scroll Themes · Best Responsive Themes · Best Single Page Themes · Wordpress Themes

FlatShop Parallax One Page Online Store WordPress Theme

FlatShop is a premium Wordpress theme that is designed to help you create a unique Online Store.  If you don’t want to list a whole store full of products, you can list a limited number of items in a full width format.   As your visitors scroll down your store they will experience your fly… Continue reading FlatShop Parallax One Page Online Store WordPress Theme

Best Blog Themes · Best Infinite Scroll Themes · Best Pinterest Themes · Best Responsive Themes · Wordpress Themes

Create a Blog with Pinterest-Inspired WordPress Theme – MasterGrid

MasterGrid is a Pinterest-Inspired Wordpress Theme that allows you to create an elegant personal blog.  Your blog will be in a grid-design with infinite scrolling.  Infinite scrolling means once the visitor reaches the bottom of the page another set of posts will auto load so has the feel of infinitely scrolling to the end.  That… Continue reading Create a Blog with Pinterest-Inspired WordPress Theme – MasterGrid

Best Infinite Scroll Themes · Best Minimalistic Themes · Best Photography Themes · Best Responsive Themes · Wordpress Themes

Create a Website with Minimal Photography WordPress Theme – Dark Gallery

Dark Gallery is a minimal Photography Wordpress Theme that is best suited for a photo blog, image gallery, wedding photography, art Photography, personal photography website, video blog or any type of photography website.  Dark Gallery minimal Photography Template has a full screen image gallery where you can showcase your featured photography works.  There is a… Continue reading Create a Website with Minimal Photography WordPress Theme – Dark Gallery

Best Business Themes · Best Infinite Scroll Themes · Best Portfolio Themes · Best Responsive Themes · Wordpress Themes

Freelancers WordPress Theme – Digital

Digital is a Wordpress Theme designed for freelancers, designers, design agencies, photo agencies, art agencies, and any type of business that you need to showcase your work portfolio.  It’s elegantly designed, simple, minimalistic and showcases your work elegantly.  Digital will allow you to show off your best work in a scrolling featured image that doesn’t… Continue reading Freelancers WordPress Theme – Digital