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Create a Pinterest Clone with WordPress Theme Pinable

Pinable is a Pinterest Clone (or Wordpress theme which allows you to create websites for bloggers, personal blogs, online portfolios, video gallery, photo gallery, Magazine websites, creative portfolios and more.   The posts are stacked in a 4 column format and each post is compacted into a rectangle that fits the post contents.  … Continue reading Create a Pinterest Clone with WordPress Theme Pinable

Best Blog Themes · Best Infinite Scroll Themes · Best Pinterest Themes · Best Responsive Themes · Wordpress Themes

Create a Blog with Pinterest-Inspired WordPress Theme – MasterGrid

MasterGrid is a Pinterest-Inspired Wordpress Theme that allows you to create an elegant personal blog.  Your blog will be in a grid-design with infinite scrolling.  Infinite scrolling means once the visitor reaches the bottom of the page another set of posts will auto load so has the feel of infinitely scrolling to the end.  That… Continue reading Create a Blog with Pinterest-Inspired WordPress Theme – MasterGrid

Best Pinterest Themes · Best Responsive Themes · Cost to Build a Website

Cost to Make a Pinterest-Inspired Site with WordPress – Pinstagram

Pinstagram is a full width Wordpress Theme that is Pinterest-Inspired and created by MyThemeShop.  This is a simple, beautiful and colourful theme that will highlight your images in a grid layout with multiple post sizes and a long list of posts.  The colourful menu bar is customizable and runs along the top of your site… Continue reading Cost to Make a Pinterest-Inspired Site with WordPress – Pinstagram

Wordpress Themes

Pinterest-Inspired WordPress Theme – Pinstagram

Pinstagram is a full width Wordpress Theme that is Pinterest-Inspired and created by MyThemeShop.  This is a simple, beautiful and colourful theme that will highlight your images in a grid layout with multiple post sizes and a long list of posts.  The colourful menu bar is customizable and runs along the top of your site… Continue reading Pinterest-Inspired WordPress Theme – Pinstagram

Best Blog Themes · Best Responsive Themes · Best Review Themes · Cost to Build a Website

Cost to Make a Site with Pinterest-like WordPress Theme – Pintores

Startup cost to create a Pinterest-like or tumblr-like site with Wordpress Theme – Pintores is less than $100.  I’ve listed the cost breakdown below.  Pintores is a stylish, colorful and modern Pinterest-like & Tumblr-Like Wordpress Theme by Cssigniter.  This theme is fully responsive to serve a better experience for your mobile visitors. Content will automatically… Continue reading Cost to Make a Site with Pinterest-like WordPress Theme – Pintores