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What is Google +1?

Wordpress Help – How exciting!! I just realized today that the code I added in yesterday to have the Google +1 feature on my Thesis Wordpress website is working now.  Ive described below:

1.  What is Google +1?
2.  Where and how to see the Google +1 button.
3.  As a webmaster, what are you supposed to do.

    1.  What is Google+1?

    The Google +1 button is basically the “Like” feature in Facebook.  You see a page or post that you like and you “Google +1” it.   You only see all the +1 counts of all the people in your network of contacts and friends on Google.  This will help them find the best stuff on the web or see which sites you recommend.

    Google +1 Button
    What is Google +1 Button

    Google +1 Button
    See the Google +1 Button
    2.  See the Google+1?

    To see the Google +1 button you must have and be logged into your Google public account.  You can see friends who “+1’d” a link/website directly from your search results.    You can also “Google +1” a website if they enabled the feature or +1 it fromthe google search results.  You can choose in your Google profile is you want the world to see your recommended “Google +1’d” websites/links or to keep it private with your friends and social connections.

    3. What to do as a webmaster?
    As a webmaster, all you need to do is add the code to your website. You do not need to be logged into a google profile.  You select how you want the +1 button to show up and google code will be generated for you to copy and paste into your website.  Link is below:

    But Basically the code is here and Google tells you where to put each piece:

    <!– Place this tag in your head or just before your close body tag –>
    <script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>

    <!– Place this tag where you want the +1 button to render –>

    Google +1 Button
    Add Google +1 Button

    In my next post I will tell you how to add the Google +1 to your Thesis theme and any other themes.


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