There are Hackers everywhere and it is essential to protect your Wordpress site against them before it’s too late. The easiest point of entry into your Wordpress website is your login page. Some Hackers will try to use brute force which means they will develop a script to hit your login page with millions of login/password combinations.
Solution: There is a free WordPress plugin I found and it’s called “Login Lockdown”. This free plugin can be found in the Wordpress extend directory or at You can see the screenshot below of my login page. It shows that it is protected by ‘Login Lockdown’
Login Lockdown will protect your WordPress login page from this type of attack by limiting the number of login attempts, implementing a lock down duration period and lock down feature of that IP address.
Steps below on how to Install WordPress plugin “Login Lockdown”
1. Install Free Wordpress Security Plugin – Login Lockdown
- Login to your WordPress administrator panel
- On the left navigation, click on ‘Plugins’, ‘Add New’
- Search for the term “Login Lockdown”
- Click on ‘Install Now’ Login Lockdown
2. Activate Wordpress Security plugin – Login Lockdown
- On the left navigation, Click on ‘Plugins’
- Search under your installed plugins and find ‘Login Lockdown’.
- Click on ‘Activate’
3. Customize Login Lockdown WordPress plugin
- On the left navigation, click on ‘Settings’, ‘Login Lockdown’
- The form is currently populated with the default settings. You can change the values in here.
- Click on “Update Settings”