Best News Themes · Best Responsive Themes · Wordpress Themes

Responsive Newspaper WordPress Theme – NewsPlace

Newsplace is a responsive and content rich Wordpress Theme by Shape5.  Wordpress and Wordpress Themes are a great way to create your newspaper website because no programming knowledge is required.  All you need to do is upload and activate the theme and you will have the framework of your newspaper site up and running.  All… Continue reading Responsive Newspaper WordPress Theme – NewsPlace

Best Blog Themes · Best Responsive Themes · Wordpress Themes

Food Blog or Recipe WordPress Theme – iCook

iCook is a food blog / Recipe Wordpress Theme by Tesla Themes.  You can easily create a recipe website with Wordpress and Wordpress Themes without any programming knowledge.  iCook has a clean, modern and minimalistic design with a beautiful recipe gallery that visitors can categorize and filter to showcase your recipes.  Other features include custom… Continue reading Food Blog or Recipe WordPress Theme – iCook

Best News Themes · Best Responsive Themes · Wordpress Themes

Create a Newspaper Website with WordPress Theme – Tribune 3.0

Tribune 3.0 is a content rich News Wordpress Theme created by WpZoom.  This is a powerful newspaper theme that you can use to create any type of News site for finance News, global news, sports news, gossip news, entertainment news, lifestyle news and more.  Wordpress is extremely easy to use and all you need to… Continue reading Create a Newspaper Website with WordPress Theme – Tribune 3.0

Best Ecommerce Themes · Best Responsive Themes · Best Restaurant Themes · Wordpress Themes

Create a Japanese Sushi Restaurant Site with Umami WordPress

Umami is a unique and elegant restaurant Wordpress Theme.  The demo shows a japanese sushi restaurant site but can be used for any cultural restaurant.  The highlight of Umami Wordpress Theme is that it allows you to upload a full screen image for the background and it will scroll through all your images.  Other features… Continue reading Create a Japanese Sushi Restaurant Site with Umami WordPress

Best Business Themes · Best Portfolio Themes · Best Responsive Themes · Wordpress Themes

Business Portfolio WordPress Theme Universe by TeslaThemes

Universe is a flat multi-purpose theme designed to help you create a business or business portfolio website.  This theme is created by Tesla Themes built on Twitter Bootstrap and powered by the Tesla Framework.  You can easily use Universal to create your own personal blog, portfolio website, business site, creative portfolio website, designers, freelancer website and… Continue reading Business Portfolio WordPress Theme Universe by TeslaThemes