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Joomla 1.6 – How to hide Subcategories Heading

Joomla 1.6 – This is in continuation of my post about ‘How to Display Multiple SubCategories in Category Blog Layout’.  Here I will show you how to hide the Subcategories heading that shows up after you include all categories in your blog layout.   Basically you will edit your language file and remove the ‘Subcategories’ heading from there.

Steps are below:

1.  Login to your Joomla 1.6 FTP manager or File Manager

2.  Go to your language directory and edit your language.ini file.  For example I’m using the English GB language  – /language/en-GB/en-GB.ini

3.  Find the code:


Replace the code with:


Language File Subcategory Heading Location
Language File Subcategory Heading Location

4.  Save the your language ini file.

After you are done saving your language file you can refresh your website and you will not see the Subcategories heading anymore.



9 thoughts on “Joomla 1.6 – How to hide Subcategories Heading

  1. “After you are done saving your language file you can refresh your website and you will not see the Subcategories heading anymore.”

    …Until a Joomla! update comes along that updates the language file. Changing anything in the main directories is problematic that way.

    1. Hi NemoM,
      That is true. Joomla updates might overwrite changes to files you make in the backend. Great reminder.
      Thank for your visit,

  2. This is a great tip, thanks a lot.

    I just wanted to mention that while applying this, I noticed a folder called “overrides” inside the “language” folder. There I found a file called en-GB.override.ini and instead of changing the code in the ini file you mentioned above, I added this line JGLOBAL_SUBCATEGORIES=”” to the en-GB.override.ini (which was empty except for some comments) and it also worked. Then I copied that file and renamed it to el-GR.override.ini (for Greek language) and also added the same line.

    Thanks again for the tip.

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